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Teacup Puppies Biting



        Elegant Teacup Puppies

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Teacup Puppy Biting


Teacup Puppies Biting

If you watch a litter of Teacup Chihuahua Puppies playing, you will notice that they spend much of their time biting and grabbing each other with their mouths. This is normal Yorkie Puppy behavior. When you take a Yorkie Puppy from the litter and into your home, the Yorkie Puppy will play bite and mouth you.

The first thing to teach your new Yorkie Puppy is that human flesh is much more sensitive than other Teacup Chihuahua Puppies and that it really hurts us when they bite. This is called bite inhibition. A Yorkie Puppy has very sharp teeth and a weak jaw. This means that the Yorkie Puppy can cause you to be uncomfortable when mouthing or Yorkie Puppy biting you, but can not cause severe damage. An adult dog has duller teeth and a powerful jaw. This means that an adult dog can cause significant damage when biting.

It is simple to teach a Yorkie Puppy bite inhibition. Every time the Yorkie Puppy touchs you with its teeth, say "OUCH!" in a harsh tone of voice. This will probably not stop the Yorkie Puppy from mouthing, but over time should result in softer and gentler Yorkie Puppy biting.

The commands necessary to teach a Yorkie Puppy NOT to mouth, are easy and fun. Hold a small handful of the Yorkie Puppy's dry food, say "take it" in a sweet tone of voice, and give the Yorkie Puppy one piece of food. Then close the rest of the food in your hand and say "off" in that same sweet tone of voice. When the Yorkie Puppy has not touched your hand for 3 to 5 seconds, say "take it" and give the Yorkie Puppy one piece of food. We are teaching the Yorkie Puppy that "off" means not to touch. You should do this with the Yorkie Puppy before every meal for at least 5 minutes.

After a couple of weeks of the above training, here is how you are going to handle Yorkie Puppy biting or mouthing:

Expected mouthing (you see the Teacup Puppy getting ready to mouth you):
You say "OFF" before the Yorkie Puppy can mouth you.

The  Teacup Puppy is mouthing you because of a desire to play.
Teacup Puppies Biting is just that they want to play.  The Teacup Puppies play with their litter mates this way when they are young, it is in a loving harmless way the Teacup Puppies are socializing.  Training them takes a little time but soon you will see your Teacup Puppies are learning not to continue bad habits.  They are very smart and should train quickly.
You have to answer the question, "Do I have time to play with the Yorkie Puppy now ?" If you do, then do "sit", "down", "stand" or other positive 'lure and reward' training. If the answer is "No, I don't have time for the Yorkie Puppy, right now." then you need to do a time out (crate, or otherwise confine the Yorkie Puppy, so the Yorkie Puppy can't continue to mouth you and get in trouble.





Antler Ears are Great for Puppy Teething Time.

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